• Horseback Riding & Cuban Tobacco Farms In Viñales – GUIDE

  • How I Became A Travel Blogger – Vanilla Sky Dreaming (An Inspiring Tale)

  • 10 Things You Should Know Before Booking A Vacation In The Maldives

Tag Archives: italy

Lake Garda, Italy

For my 26th Birthday, I got to spend it at this amazing location in  Lake Garda, Italy! Growing up my family owned Boats and Jet-Skis and every weekend for 3 months in the summer we would go to lakes and enjoy the beautiful lakes through the West Coast riding waves. I have seen many lakes…

Vision Board

If I can give the world a bit of advice, it would be to NEVER EVER STOP DREAMING! Don’t ever doubt yourself, never stop believing because anything you want you can get and always have a VISION! If you can’t it’s only do to a lack of self belief.