• Horseback Riding & Cuban Tobacco Farms In Viñales – GUIDE

  • How I Became A Travel Blogger – Vanilla Sky Dreaming (An Inspiring Tale)

  • 10 Things You Should Know Before Booking A Vacation In The Maldives

Tag Archives: spirituality

10 Reasons to Travel Solo

10 Reasons to Travel Solo

In the last 2 years I have been on 74 planes! I traveled to places I have never been to and others places a couple of times, I collected over 150,000 Frequent Flyer Miles, packed up my things way too many times and all of this except for 2 trips, were all alone. People always…

The 5 Levels of Pleasure

We were all brought here for pleasure. Whether you believe in G*d or The Universe, it is the greater part of our purpose. You see, life’s purpose is based around pleasure. No one ever said that pleasure will be easy to seek at all giving time but depending on the type of pleasure you are…

Vision Board

If I can give the world a bit of advice, it would be to NEVER EVER STOP DREAMING! Don’t ever doubt yourself, never stop believing because anything you want you can get and always have a VISION! If you can’t it’s only do to a lack of self belief.

Welcome World!

Welcome to my world! Finally after many years of not blogging I’ve decided it is time! Since I can remember myself I have been inspired by photographer, colors, traveling, art, fashion, spirituality and my favorite place in the world, the beach. I have lived in many places, traveled the world, met incredible people, learned so…