8 Reasons Why The Law Of Attraction Isn’t Working For You

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8 Reasons Why The Law Of Attraction Isn't Working For You

Ever wondered why the law of attraction isn’t working for you? I hear people all the time say they understand the law of attraction and yet their life stays the same. I’m here to open up your eyes and truly make you understand why the law of attraction isn’t working for you with 8 reasons why the law of attraction isn’t working for you and how to raise your frequency and vibrations to a higher state. If you want to change your life and world, make all of your dreams come true you have to stop doing these exact things!

I’ve started a new section on my YouTube channel to help you make all of your dreams come true and help you understand yourself and your mind so that you can live your best life and make all of your wildest dreams come true.

This new section is all about self-growth, spirituality, manifesting, understand the mind, energy and more! If you’re interested in more of that, please make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get an endless amount of information that I have gathered throughout my life to make all my dreams come true! Can’t wait to see you there! 🙂

So I created a video that fully explains why the law of attraction isn’t working for you, to better help you understand everything with lots of details and examples right down below! But I also listed some of them in short here as well for reviewing purposes. Enjoy!


1. You’re Operating From A Lower Vibrational Frequency

Everything is energy and vibrational frequency, our thoughts carry out vibrational frequency, so do our words, our body and everything that’s in our life. If you’re operating from a lower vibrational frequency the law of attraction won’t work for you. You need to raise your vibrational frequency by doing the following things listed below.


If there is in an area in your life that isn’t going so well. Chances are there is a huge lack of gratitude in that field. You see here’s the thing, the universe never lacks anything. Anything and everything you want is already here on earth. But just like a parent if you’re not grateful for what you have, you aren’t gonna get more of it. It’s just not how the universal laws work. Like attracts like. Gratitude is a great place to start. (tips in the video explaining more of this idea and how to change it)

3. “I Already Know”

We all are guilty of saying this phrase, “I Already know” — I already know is Ignorance and ego.

Yes, we all think we know everything and chances are we do know a lot but we don’t know everything and by saying “I already know” there is no growth.

There is always something to be learned. I already know is pure ego and when you let your ego run your life, you aren’t really living your best life or being present to your soul’s desire. Be open to the possibility that you don’t “already know”. If you already knew everything about that certain subject your currently dealing with you wouldn’t be in the position you’re already in. So be opened to the possibility that you don’t know everything and that’s ok because from there comes growth. You need to detach yourself from I already know.

4. Negativity

Is the key to all of your problems. If you want something to manifest into reality you’re gonna have to stop being negative. It’s a challenge, it’s a work in process but I challenge you for just one day, listen and pay close attention to your thoughts that cross your mind. Complaining kills the law of attraction. It shows a lack of gratitude. Stop sweating the small things in life. Let things go. Be more present.

5. You’re Not Patience Enough

The number one reason why the law of attraction doesn’t work for most people is patience. They want it. They want it now and they don’t have the patience to wait for it to manifest. The universe doesn’t run under your time frame. Things need to be rearranged for things to happen.

6. Your Intentions Aren’t Clear

You need to sit down with yourself and think what do I really want, NOT what I don’t want. Get as specific as possible. Only then can you create from a pure place. Too many people in this world don’t really know what they want, they don’t take the time to sit down with themselves and truly be engaged into what they want. They are too general about their “wants” and with generalness, you tend to end up getting alot of what you don’t want because you never took the time to be specific about it. Plus, how do you even know if the law of attraction is actually working if you’re being too general? Think about it…

7. You Give Up To Easy

Too many set intention into the world of what they want but an hour or two later, a day later, they already gave up on it because they started doubting themselves on what is possible. Stop doubting yourself, stop giving up so freakin easily! (Explained more in video)

8. You’re Not Using Your Intuition

The universe is always giving us signs, vibes and messages. It’s our job is to listen to those signs and try to understand and ask ourselves what is the universe trying to tell me. Listening to your inner voice is the key for the law of attraction to work. That little voice inside of you (aka your intuition) will always whisper first what you should do and then your ego will get in your way and try to tell you why it’s not gonna work. Learn to put your ego aside and listen to your intuition.


Here is more on what’s to come on YouTube for me…


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