9 of My Travel Secrets

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Well to be honest It just doesn’t get anymore me then this list right here. Flying can easily get uncomfortable, some people hate it others love it (that would be ME!) and while sometimes departure times are before the sun comes up or after a long night of partying or not going to sleep the last thing you wanna do is go to the airport. But here are some of the things that can make your traveling more enjoyable even when its been a long night. Here are my travel secrets:

  1. Carry-On suitcase: A few years ago when almost every airline decided to change the check-in bags rules from being free to about a fee of $25-$35 per a bag to check in each way. I decided to invest my money in a good suitcase that will fit almost all my things and that will be the perfect size for carry-on so that I won’t be throwing away $50 each time I fly on a single bag because there were times where I would be flying every weekend. So I went to Brooke Stones after my old boss sold me on his brand new amazing suitcase! The Dash 4-Wheeled Expandable Carry-On is my FAVORITE! I can fit in there a little over a weeks worth of clothing. Its very light to carry! The wheels spin in 4 direction so you can drag it across the terminal when you don’t feel like rolling it like the normal suitcase, which is quite fun lol, its tough to the point where you can jump on it and it wont break, I’m just quite sure why you would jump on it but if you want to you could lol. It expands and it seriously fits perfectly in your overhead compartment! I love this bag! and it comes with a lifetime warranty and in amazing colors! It’s about $120 but its worth it! BUYYYYY ITTTT!
  2. Sweat Pants & a Jacket: If you have a red eye, a long flight or just wanna feel comfortable on a flight, wear sweat pants or tights, it’s so much better than falling asleep with jeans :-/ and it will keep you warm! Also a jacket is a must! Flights can get sooo freezing at times! Better be safe then sorry.
  3. Shoes: I personally like to fly with boots or flats, anything without shoe laces because when going through security it will save you time when you have to take them off and then back on. If your also one to like to take your shoes off in flights this too well make your flight more enjoyable and comfortable.
  4. Socks: If I do wear open shoes or need to wear heels, SOCKS are my savors on flights. It gets very cold and if my feet are cold it wakes me up when I’m trying to fall asleep and its all I can think of.
  5. Bottle of Water: I love WATER! I’m such a water girl and although they do give you drinks on flights it sucks when your trying to get comfortable and have that table opened in-front of you all because you wanted a quick sip. Flights also tend to make you dehydrated so its always good to have it just in case.
  6.  Ipod: Make sure your Ipod or Iphone or fully charged and that you made yourself a good playlist or downloaded a good movie for those flights where you cant fall sleep on. It will make time pass by faster.
  7. Snack: I always get hungry on flights and sometimes I didn’t get a chance to grab some food before my flight, which ever the case may be I always like to go with Chex-Mix! It’s better to buy them before the flight cause on the flight prices are double!
  8. Magazines: Catch up on your latest Celebrity gossip, pick who wore it better and get fun tips. When I travel I always buy a few magazines for the flight, usually buy 1 Travel, 1 Fashion and 1 Gossip Magazine.
  9.  Travel Pillow: No one wants to fall asleep and wake up with a sore neck or on their neighbors shoulder. AWKWARD! Be smart, plane a head and fall asleep longer.


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